This may sound like magic, and it totally is!
“Combining our shamanic healing tools, there were multiple layers of healing happening all at once, including generational healing, gridwork, DNA healing, and emotional healing. This may sound like magic, and it totally is!”
I invited Joey to join me in a co-healing experience on my parents' land. My uncle was suffering from a terminal stroke, and after visiting him in the hospital, I received an intuitive hit that healing was needed on the land and that it was somehow connected to my uncle's suffering. I called my friend Joey to see if she wanted to join me in an epic weekend of family and land healing, and she said yes, of course!
The weekend was one big ceremony that began as soon as we arrived! Butterflies flocked around us, and an epic rainbow appeared in the sky that pointed us directly to the part of the land that was in deep need of healing. We got straight to work. As soon as we began, rain began to pour down, and a bolt of lightning revealed a heavy energy that needed to be cleared. It became clear that the heavy energy knot had to do with a longstanding feud with the neighbors. As we dove even deeper into the healings, it was revealed that the conflict with the neighbors was rooted in deep ancestral wounds that needed healing.
Joey and I worked together, combining our shamanic healing tools. There were multiple layers of healing happening all at once, including generational healing, gridwork, DNA healing, and emotional healing. On the final day, Joey set up her crystal bowls for a healing on my parents, and that's what opened the gate for me to help my mother with some powerful forgiveness work that ultimately released my uncle so he could transition peacefully.
After the crystal bowl healing, as the sun was setting, a huge buck appeared out of nowhere and just stood there looking at us all. It felt like a powerful confirmation that the healing was complete. What a beautiful blessing. To close off the weekend, we took my parents to seal the high vibrational energy inside a crystal grid of protection for their own utopia!
— Catherine Walker